Run on-the-fly active learning, based on committee uncertainty estimates over a group of supplied NEP potentials. Note that this mode is only supported with NEP potentials. Furthermore, the molecular dynamics simulation is propagated using the first NEP potential specified in
The uncertainty \(\sigma_f\) is estimated as the maximum force sample standard deviation on any atom \(i\),
where \(\sigma_{i,k}^2\), \(k\in{x,y,z}\), are the sample variances in the \(k\) Cartesian direction calculated over the \(M\) models. If the uncertainty exceeds the specified threshold, \(\sigma_f>\delta\), for a structure in a step of an molecular dynamics simulation, then that structure is appended to the file in the extended XYZ format. Additionally, the simulation time \(t\) and \(\sigma_f\) are written to the file active.out regardless of if \(\sigma_f>\delta\).
active takes four arguments. The first three are the same as for dump_exyz, with the fourth keyword being the threshold \(\delta\) in units of eV/Å.
active <interval> <has_velocity> <has_force> <threshold>
is the interval (number of steps) between checking the uncertainty. If set to 1, the uncertainty will be computed for every step of the MD simulation.
can be 1 or 0, which means the velocities will or will not be included in the exyz output.
can be 1 or 0, which means the forces will or will not be included in the exyz output.
is a non-negative float, and corresponds to the threshold \(\delta\) in units of eV/Å.
Example 1¶
To run on-the-fly active learning using a committee of 5 NEP potentials, checking if the uncertainty exceeds 0.01 eV/Å every tenth MD step, write:
potential nep0
potential nep1
potential nep2
potential nep3
potential nep4
active 10 1 1 0.01
before the run keyword. This will generate two output files, and active.out.
This keyword is not propagating. That means, its effect will not be passed from one run to the next.
Molecular dynamics will be run with the first potential specified.
If the system has exploded, unphysical structures may be saved since no upper bound is set on the uncertainty \(\sigma_f\). Ensure that the resulting structures in are physical.